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Think, Believe and Grow Rich

Think, Believe and Grow Rich

 Ever wondered why most of the time, the motivation and inspiration stays for a while and then you feel the same way you felt before?

Human mind largely works on the premise of momentary beliefs especially visuals. However, the core belief stays in the subconscious mind. When you feel hungry and someone asks you to feel full and happy, it kind of gets difficult to imagine. Why? Because the mind perceives what it sees in that moment.

In order for your mind to conceive the feeling of being happy and full despite being hungry, you have to not only first feed yourself but also feed your mind that you are full.

The same logical principle applies to every element of your life except when you are fed momentary visuals of huge adrenaline bump. This bump in your adrenaline happens when you are fed the momentary motivation and inspiration. But it disappears once you are no longer in that surrounding.

The point is, you cannot think and grow rich. THE SECRET LIES IN YOUR BELIEF.

Now how will you believe in riches when you are struggling to make the ends meet? And I absolutely agree with you. The reality doesn’t match the perception whereas the mind is used to creating perception based on reality!

So, the key to changing your reality is-

When you get an idea, that is when you perceive.

When you have the seed of the idea planted, you conceive.

But it is when the seed starts to sprout, that is when you believe.

Once you see the sprouted growth, you start to achieve.

These core principles are key to creating any reality you want. It takes 9 months for birthing a baby and 4 years for the bamboo to sprout. The time varies based on what has been planted and conceived. The point is that if you are struggling in your life, if you don’t have a job, if you are broke, if you can’t afford the basic comforts and someone asks you to imagine you have a job, you have a home, you have a perfect life partner, you are wealthy and more, then it’s hard.

In order for you to BELIEVE in your designed-reality, you have to create the symptoms in your surroundings. For example, it is only after 4 years the bamboo starts showing the symptoms of its seed and growth. But just because you didn’t see the symptoms, doesn’t mean the bamboo was dead.

If you are an entrepreneur, it takes time for your idea to grow. But before your idea takes life, it has to be planted. That is one reason it is often advised not to share your ideas in the initial stage as it’s vulnerable and can be easily uprooted.

Next, if you have perceived and conceived, then start trusting the process. This is where your belief will help the seed to be planted firmly in the process of growth. This is crucial as this is where you are trusting the unseen. But this is where the 3% population that owns the 97% wealth has mastered the skill.

Key Takeaways: In order for you to grow rich, use your adversity to find your purpose and start trusting that process. So, the question is are you ready to believe in your idea, trust the process, and if you are, then you will see the reality transformed.

Have you ever seen someone doubt the process that if the seed has been planted and that it would not sprout? Or have you ever seen someone question that if the apple seed will give cactus fruit? The point is, whatever you plant in your mind, you have to trust that it will sprout and it will give the exact fruit.


The day you were born was chosen for you by some power greater than yourself. That day holds the key to your riches. It tells you about your strengths, weaknesses, power, lucky numbers, as well about your right career path.

If you perceived an idea, then ensure that idea is in alignment with your numbers. That is crucial to getting it to sprout and grow rich. Although every fish would like to fly, the reality check makes it clear that lack of wings will not make it happen. NUMBERS give you a reality check about whether you can fly or you can swim.

The world needs all and so has the universe chosen for you that particular day and date for you.

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