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Number Series-Number 3

Number Series-Number 3


All those born on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month are Number 3 personalities including Pisceans and Sagittarians. They are ruled by the planet of wealth Jupiter.

Also, all those whose entire date of birth adds to 3 are ruled by Number 3 planet Jupiter.

Basic Characteristics:

Number 3 people never like to play second fiddle, love to lead, and often rise from humble beginnings. In fact, most of the Forbes or Fortune 500 list have people with number 3 backing.

Having that strong backing of Number 3 makes them stubborn, egoistic, and proud. However, nothing stops them from reaching the top once they put their mind to it. The names with number 3 are rocking the world in as

Name of people born on 3 are:

Warren Buffett born on August 30th

Jeff Bezos born on 12 January

Charles Koch- adds to 3 (November 1, 1935)

David Koch born on 3rd May

Sergey Brin born on 21st August

Sundar Pichai born on July 12

George Soros born on 12th August

One great thing is that Number 3 people never find themselves short of cash or finances. Somehow it always works out for them. If you are planning to start your business, this is the number. Of course, do make sure it is in harmony with your other numbers.

Right career or work

They will do great in business, social cause, investments, banking, and nay work where they can lead and be the boss.

Lucky colors

Blue and shades of mauve

Lucky stones

Amethyst and yellow sapphire

Lucky dates

Series of 3-3,12,21,30

Series of 6-6,15,24

Series of 9- 9 and 27

Noteworthy Examples whose name adds to 3:

Will Smith

Michael Bloomberg

Charles Koch





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